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Circular Divider

Abattoir blood waste processing

Circular Divider

An introduction to this case study

Most waste in the meat industry is produced during slaughtering.  This process is characterised by a high volume of unavoidable product-specific waste.  Waste from abattoirs has the potential for recycling and conversion into useful by-products.  Non-utilisation or under-utilisation of by-products leads not only to reduced profitability but also to the added and increasing costs of disposal, which in turn cause serious environmental pollution.

By introducing the Pulse Combustion Drying technology to this industry, abattoir blood waste can be treated and prepared for utilization or disposal in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible way.

Technologies used in this case study:

Dried Blood

Look at how we deal with the followingchallenge:

1. Wet abattoir waste management

Abattoir blood waste processing


Disposal methods of abattoir blood waste such as the following are NOT met with environmental requirements for proper disposal:

  • Run-off or spraying the blood waste onto fields and covering it with a layer of soil.
  • Municipal drainage
  • Feeding to pigs as a feed additive.
  • Burial
  • Informal dumping

Rendering of blood is utilised by a significant number of poultry abattoirs to produce by-products, such as blood meal, poultry meal and fertilisers. In the commercial drying of blood waste from red meat abattoirs, blood is processed under relatively reduced temperature conditions using a commercial blood dryer.  

Challenges with these rendering processes are high energy costs, odour nuisance, and the effluent must be treated before release or reuse.


Sinowatek offers the Pulse Combustion Dryer for the drying of blood waste into a powder. The fresh whole blood is taken directly from the abattoir as a wet feed with about 16% total solids (TS). When dried in the pulse combustion chamber the water content of the blood is changed into super-heated steam, leaving behind a very dry, fine powder with sphere-shaped, smooth surfaced particles.

The powder consists of 98% (TS) with a moisture level of 2%. No denaturing of haemoglobin, albumin, globulins, or fibrinogen takes place during the drying process, leaving the blood powder ready to be utilized in any circular economy.

Benefit for Client:

Installing a Pulse Combustion Dryer (PCD) at an abattoir has the following benefits:

  • Blood is pumped to the PCD on the abattoir site and can be dried to a powder.
  • No disposal of blood waste or water effluent is necessary.
  • The inert high-quality blood powder that the PCD delivers is a very profitable input to animal feed supplements etc.
  • PCD technology is environmentally friendly, with high energy and thermal efficiency.
    Smaller equipment footprint adds to the cost-effectiveness of the process.

Let's talk  about your specific challenges in this field.